

Page history last edited by Shellar 13 years, 10 months ago


construction in Guinea-Bissau


construction sector of  Guinea-Bissau

-Is mainly informal as only a small number of local companies are present on the market.


-A political stability and new projects should attract international contractors, but at the moment, the large international companies have no local representatives in Guinea-Bissau given the political situation in the past years.  



construction materials of  Guinea-Bissau


  -the cement market in Guinea-Bissau is estimated between 60 and 100 thousand tons   per year.

  -Part of the cement is imported from Senegal.

  -A project for the construction of a cement plan is currently considered by Spanish   investors.

  -It would be hard to work cement on site, but might work for small prefabricated pieces.


-The region counts with limestone and

granite resources.


 -In existing buildings, most of the construction materials are imported.



on site materials in Guinea-Bissau


  -Accessible material on site, many options.   -Does not require complex tools





  -Soil composed of sand, silt and clay in relatively even concentration (40-40-20%).

  -The material used in walls help to control air humidity.

  - Combined with straw, loam can be used to build rough walls

  -Expanded metal and other metal sheet forms might be combined with loam to create stronger    shapes. (Metal meshes: easy to transport and lightweight)




 Ministry of Public Works, Construction and Urbanism

Direction Générale des Ponts et Chaussées B.P. 14, Bissau - Tel / Fax : +245 20 57 44


Ministry of Mines and Energy

CP 387 - Tel : +245 20 12 87


construction & civil engineering contractors


CP. 827, Bissau - Tel : +245 25 42 94 - Fax : +245 25 42 94



Tel : +245 22 24 57 - Fax : +245 22 24 57


IrmaosUnidosBafatarua principal B/4 -C.P.2 - Bissau - Tel / Fax : +245 41 12 30


CP. 347, Bissau - Tel : +245 25 10 40 - Fax : +245 25 10 40



Bairro-4, juntoao Novo Mercado-CIDADE de Bafata - Bissau - Tel : +245 41 12 30 / 25 47 39


water / energy /transport

 EAGB - Electicidadee Agua daGuineeBissau

ruaEduardo Mondlane - Tel : + 245 20 11 84/20 11 - Fax : + 245 20 11 71


Civil Aviation

Tel : +245 20.43.54 / 20.40.53


building materials


CP. 314 Bissau - Tel : +245 21 18 11 - Fax : +245 20 11 25


CP. 181 Bissau - Tel : +245 25 11 02 - Fax : +245 25 12 77 - Email : sts@sol.g.telecom.gw


intermediary organizations

 CCIA-GB - Camara do Commercio, IndustriaeAgriculturadaGuinee-Bissau

BP 88, av. pansaun'aisna 2 oetages - Tel: +245 20 16 02 - Fax : + 245 20 16 02 - Email : ccia@sol.gtelecom.gw

















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